Saturday, April 30, 2022

Water and Ice


Welcome to the start of Star Wars Month!

All  this month we will be revisiting old Star Wars themed or inspired  commissions and projects while releasing new commissions on the  weekends.

So to kick it off, here is a bit  of a male pin up or beefcake for the ladies out there.... and all his ridiculously floofy stupidly silky hair. >.< Say hello to ex-Jedi,  renegade vigilante, stoic  ice king, Echani Dark Sider, Koren Ossaki.

Last seen having a 'friendly  competition' with the Jedi Togorian, Djingo Navarr last year.

For kinky fun, check him out on F-List.

Koren Ossaki © their respective owner, creator and player
Star Wars © George Lucas, Lucasfilm, and Disney
Art, Concept, and Design © Jennifer Maelynn Riddle and White Noise Graphics

Commissions are: Close but in progress!

Main Site

Art Sites
HentaiFoundry - Adult Content

Social Media

As always, don't forget to leave comments, questions and critiques on  either my front page, or any of my artworks that catches your eye! I  really love reading your input and make an effort to reply whenever I  can, and even if you don't get a reply right away, you can be sure that  I've at least read it.

Make sure to check out my other sites!

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